Youth Homelessness and Housing Research
Youth Health and Mental Health Research
Founded by UofT students from a range of disciplines, TAP for Youth is working with Toronto-based homeless shelters, a transitional youth home, and frontline service providers to document the impact of free transit for youth experiencing homelessness. The YWL’s Stephanie Begun serves as one of the team’s faculty mentors. Project findings will be shared here and on Instagram @tapforyouth.
Promoting Reproductive Justice with Under-Housed Youth
Youth experiencing homelessness encounter injustices regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights. The YWL leads reproductive justice research with and for young people who are under-housed, frontline service workers, and healthcare providers.
“Life After...: Longitudinal Outcomes of Youth Exiting Transitional Housing
In partnership with Covenant House Toronto, this SSRHC-funded project longitudinally explores youths’ (ages 18-26) outcomes for two years after moving out of care provided through transitional housing programs.
Healing Together
In partnership with Mending a Crack in the Sky and Midaynta Community Services, this body-map storytelling project engaged Somali-Canadian mothers who lost children and community members to gun violence.