Youth Health
Youth Homelessness and Housing
Mental Health Research
Reproductive Justice, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Research
Intervention Research and Prevention Science
Youth experiencing homelessness encounter myriad injustices regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights. The YWL engages in reproductive justice research and advocacy with and for young people who are under-housed, and also leads research with youth-serving frontline service workers and healthcare providers. Our most recent project qualitatively engaged healthcare and frontline service providers who are affiliated with Young Parents No Fixed Address (YPNFA) to explore their approaches to providing anti-oppressive and affirming information and care to youth experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Experiences of pregnancy prevention among youth experiencing homelessness
Eapen, D., Bergh, R., Lucas, S., Narendorf, S., Begun, S., & Santa Maria, D. (2023). Experiences of pregnancy prevention among youth experiencing homelessness. Children & Youth Services Review, 153, doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107115
Counter-narratives of pregnancy stigma and resistance for youth experiencing homelessness
Henriques, E., Schmidt, C., Pascoe, R., Liss, K., & Begun, S. (2022). Counter-narratives of pregnancy stigma and resistance for youth experiencing homelessness. Qualitative Health Research, 32(10), 1447–1463. doi: 10.1177/10497323221110694
Examining sources of social support and depression prevention among pregnant youth experiencing homelessness: Outcomes of a seven-city study
Canfield, S., Hsu, H., Begun, S., Barman-Adhikari, A., Shelton, J., Ferguson, K., Santa Maria, D., & Narendorf, S. (2022). Examining sources of social support and depression prevention among pregnant youth experiencing homelessness: Outcomes of a seven-city study. Journal of Primary Prevention. doi: 10.1007/s10935-022-00673-4
Social norms of pregnancy and pregnancy attitudes among youth experiencing homelessness
Begun, S., Barman-Adhikari, A., Greenblatt, A., Sahajpal, P., Campbell, D., Cooke, K., & Rice, E. (2021). Social norms of pregnancy and pregnancy attitudes among youth experiencing homelessness. Youth & Society. doi: 10.1177/0044118X211062354
Access experiences and attitudes toward abortion among youth experiencing homelessness in the United States: A systematic review
Munro, S., Benipal, S., Williams, A., Wahl, K., Trenaman, L., & Begun, S. (2021). Access experiences and attitudes toward abortion among youth experiencing homelessness in the United States: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 16(7), p.e02522434-e0252434. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252434
Advancing reproductive justice to close the health gap: A call to action for social work
Gómez, A. M., Downey, M., Carpenter, E., Leedham, U., Begun, S., Ely, G., & Craddock., J. (2020). Advancing reproductive justice to close the health gap: A call to action for social work. Social Work, 65(4), 358-367. doi: 10.1093/sw/swaa034
Fatherhood among youth experiencing homelessness
Alschech, J., & Begun, S. (2020). Fatherhood among youth experiencing homelessness. Families in Society, 101(4), 484-497. doi: 10.1177/1044389419896188
“I know they would kill me”: Abortion attitudes and experiences among youth experiencing homelessness
Begun, S., Combs, K. M., Schwan, K., Torrie, M., & Bender, K. (2020). “I know they would kill me”: Abortion attitudes and experiences among youth experiencing homelessness. Youth & Society, 52(8), 1457-1478. doi: 10.1177/0044118X18820661
“This research is cool”: Engaging youth experiencing homelessness in research on reproductive and sexual health
Begun, S.., Weber, A., Spring, J., Arora, S., Frey, C., & Fortin, A. (2020). “This research is cool”: Engaging youth experiencing homelessness in research on reproductive and sexual health. Social Work in Public Health, 35(5), 271-281. doi: 10.1080/19371918.2020.1791296
Social support and pregnancy attitudes among youth experiencing homelessness
Begun, S., Barman-Adhikari, A., O’Connor, C., & Rice, E. (2020). Social support and pregnancy attitudes among youth experiencing homelessness. Children & Youth Services Review, 113. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.104959
Relationships between parenting and dangerous substance use behaviors among youth experiencing homelessness
Combs, K. M., Barman-Adhikari, A., Begun, S., & Rice, E. (2019). Relationships between parenting and dangerous substance use behaviors among youth experiencing homelessness. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11, 1-20. doi: 10.1086/707341
“Getting pregnant might make me seem more normal to them”: Attitudes, experiences, and gendered nuances regarding pregnancy and parenting among youth experiencing homelessness
Begun, S., Torrie, M., Combs, K. M., & Frey, C. (2019). “Getting pregnant might make me seem more normal to them”: Attitudes, experiences, and gendered nuances regarding pregnancy and parenting among youth experiencing homelessness. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 31(4), 435-457. doi: 10.1080/10538720.2019.1633453
“I guess it would be a good shock”: A qualitative examination of homeless youths’ diverse pregnancy attitudes
Begun, S., Frey, C., Combs, K. M., & Torrie, M. (2019). “I guess it would be a good shock”: A qualitative examination of homeless youths’ diverse pregnancy attitudes. Children and Youth Services Review, 99, 87-96. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.01.029
“It seems kinda like a different language to us”: Homeless youths’ attitudes and experiences pertaining to condoms and contraceptives
Begun, S., Combs, K. M., Torrie, M., & Bender, K. A. (2019). “It seems kinda like a different language to us”: Homeless youths’ attitudes and experiences pertaining to condoms and contraceptives. Social Work in Health Care, 58(3), 237-257. doi: 10.1080/00981389.2018.1544961
“My initial instinct is to listen": Promoting reproductive justice with under-housed youth
Begun, S., Lucas, V., MacEwan, R., Sohi, N., & Schmidt, C. (in progress). “My initial instinct is to listen": Promoting reproductive justice with under-housed youth.
“Life After...: Longitudinal Outcomes of Youth Exiting Transitional Housing
In partnership with Covenant House Toronto, this SSRHC-funded project longitudinally explores youths’ (ages 18-26) outcomes for two years after moving out of care provided through transitional housing programs.
Healing Together
In partnership with Mending a Crack in the Sky and Midaynta Community Services, this body-map storytelling project engaged Somali-Canadian mothers who lost children and community members to gun violence.
This Is Me
With support from the Children’s Aid Foundation, 21 young people in the child welfare system participated in virtual body-map storytelling workshops to explore their experiences and self-expression.