
Hamza O.

As I wash my sins away

I open up scars

Scars that remembers the past

Injuries that brings back pain Mistakes that hunts your soul

As I continue this cleanse

I see stains

Stains that don't fade away

Patterns that look familiar

Spots that look similar

Do I cover up?

Or do l open up?

Should I hide in the shadows?

Or should I let the light expose?

This is a new beginning do I just jump in?

I desperately stare at my reflection

Searching for an answer

A sign

I plead

I will only fall if I go wrong

My revelation stares blank

This feels cold

Neglected and alone

Frustrated lone

Filled with anger. I cursed

Suddenly my worries disappear

Smiling with no fear

I decide to flow with the stream Wherever it takes me, I go If I fall, I fall.